Pismo p. generala Artura Sosa SJ ob 40. obletnici ustanovitve JRS
Dear friends in the Lord:
November 2020 will mark 40 years since the Servant of God Fr Pedro Arrupe founded the Jesuit Refugee Service.
Izjava za javnost o programu ‘Pats’
Ob dogodku, ki ga je organiziralo Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve v Centru Evropa, dne 18. maja 2011
Pismo predsednika evropskih provincialov p. Johna Dardisa ob 30. obletnici ustanovitve JRS
Dear Brothers in Christ, Dear Friends.
I write to offer some reflections on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of JRS. We pay tribute first of all to Fr Arrupe, the founder of JRS who read so well the signs of the times during the time of the Vietnamese boat-people crisis and acted so decisively.
Pismo predsednika RS dr. Janeza Drnovška
Zahvaljujem se za vaše prijazno vabilo na peto obletnico Jezuitske službe za begunce v Sloveniji. Žal se vam zaradi drugih obveznosti na današnjem praznovanju nisem mogel pridružiti.